School Services

The school offers a variety of services to pupils and parents alike. Each is aimed at improving the communication between the school and the parents as well as providing additional support to parents in other ways.

SMS (Texting) Service

Gaelscoil Philib Barún operates a free SMS texting service for parents to alert them about various school-related issues such as half days, school holidays, meetings, outings and notes. The service caters for different categories of pupils within the school such as School, Naoínra, Under 10’s Boys/Girls etc. The services is operated in conjunction with the Irish Primary Principals Network and any parent that has provided the school with a mobile telephone contact number is automatically included in the service. For further details, contact Suzanne De Bhíal.

Electronic Mailing List

The school website provides a facility for interested parties to be kept informed about school-related event via e-mail. To join the mailing list, simply enter your e-mail address in the box provided on the right-hand side of the website and click the Submit button beside it.

Irish Language Refresher Course

Gaelscoil Philib Barún offers an Irish Language course to the parents of its pupils. The course runs once per year for a term and is targeted at complete beginners. Attendees also have the option to do an exam through NUI Maynooth and obtain a European Certificate in Irish. An intermediate course is available subject to sufficient a demand.

The courses usually take place on Thursday mornings from 9:15am to 10:15am.

Irish Classes for adults

Irish classes for adults will resume Wednesday the 2nd of October and continue each Wednesday while there is demand. Parents and indeed those with no connection with the school but who wish to rekindle an interest in the language and practice it are welcome. Last years level was at lower intermediate. This years level will be set depending on demand.

After School Service

The Naíonra play school offer an before/after school pickup service which is available from 8:30-9:00am and up to 4pm after school. It costs €3 per hour and is available for as little as one hour per week up to a maximum of 15 hours per week. Contact Noleen or Áine at 330603.

Bus Services

A number of local bus operators provide services that cater for Gaelscoil Philib Barún. These include:

  • Ken Carey whose route includes Fenor, Annestown, Boatstrand, Dunhill, Cullencastle and the Glen Road. Contact 086 2654514 for further details.