What is STEM?

From the earliest years through their play experiences and family environment, children engage with the world in ways that can promote learning related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM).

Young children naturally engage in early stem exploration through hands-on multi-sensory and creative experiences. By engaging in these experiences young children are developing curiosity, inquisitiveness, critical thinking and problem solving capacities which are built on through their primary and post primary school experience.

Source: STEM Education Policy Statement 2017-2026, Department of Education and Skills

What is STEAM?

While STEM represents science, technology, engineering and maths (as above), STEAM represents STEM plus the Arts – humanities, language arts, dance, drama, music, visual arts, design and new media.

Source: Explainer – What’s the difference between STEM and STEAM?

STEAM @ Gaelscoil Philib Barún

While some of the STEAM subjects are taught in isolation (e.g. Maths, Science), comprehensive teaching of STEAM requires a multi-disciplinary approach across a variety of subjects, which is being coordinated at Gaelscoil Philib Barún as follows:

  • Science
    • Included in the Science Curriculum are areas including Living Things, Energy and Forces, Materials and Environmental awareness and Care. Practical work provides ample opportunity for the children to develop scientific skills such as Questioning Observing, Predicting, Investigating and experimenting , Estimating and measuring Analysing along with Recording and communicating.
  • Technology
    • Using specialist digital camera equipment and other electronic devices allows students to record events and shows for the school community (and for posterity).
    • The use of this technology to create short films will also give children the opportunity be involved in production, sound and film recording as well as the editing process.
  • Engineering
    • TBC
  • Arts & Culture
    • The Arts play a central role in the school and each class is given the chance to produce and stage a play every year, with the 6th class students taking part in local, regional and national drama competitions, all through the Irish language.
    • The Arts give the students a chance to express themselves, while engaging with the process of creating a piece as a team and seeing the fruits of their labour on stage.
  • Maths
    • The Maths curriculum covers many areas including Early Maths Activities, Number, Algebra, Shape and Space, Measures and Data. Using concrete materials and playing Maths Games will develop skills such as problem solving, connecting, reasoning, implementing and understanding.