Gaelscoil Philib Barún

Student Mosaic Poster 2021

The pupils, teachers and wider community at Gaelscoil Philib Barún wish to sincerely thank former students, Kelly Mernin and Molly O’Shea, for creating a new piece of digital art that is now on display at the school. The art takes the form of a mosaic poster in the image of the school crest, with the caption “Daltaí 2020” beneath it (which means Pupils).

The mosaic is quite unique and personalised because the tiles within it are miniature, pixellated photographs of each child enrolled at the school during the 2020-2021 school year. Viewing the poster is a special experience, beginning with intrigue from a distance, that quickly turns to enjoyment as you see the children’s faces come into focus on walking closer to it.

Kelly and Molly are currently enrolled in Transition Year at Gaelcholáiste Phort Láirge and completed this very unique project as part of their Gaisce (a.k.a. The President’s Award) studies. The fruits of their creative labour are now pride of place within the school where it will provide the school community with enjoyment for many years to come.